Coping – Why it Matters

Laurie / September 12, 2017

We live in unique times. Times that stoke anxiety, excitement, confusion and fear.

We live as unique beings. Beings which have complex social entanglements and expansive emotional experiences.

Think about it, when was the last time you felt completely under control of every domain in your life? If you can say that you ever felt this, I myself am in awe of you, because I will raise my hand high and proudly say I have never once had all of my shit together.

Sure – after many years of work towards my professional and personal goals, I have my shit way more together than I did as a young adult, but still all the way together? No absolutely not. I have come to expect that the universe is constantly throwing me curve balls, and the idea of a perfectly well-balance life elicits fear in me, because I am not sure that such a thing exists.

Life is challenge. Challenge is what drives us to grow, pushes us to develop, but challenge is just the start of the conversation – what we do with those challenges is what this post is about.

So, what does it mean to cope in an effective manner? To cope effectively is to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties, especially successfully or in a calm or adequate manner. It means that we don’t avoid challenges, or try to numb negative emotions, but rather we deal with them in a manner that is productive to our emotional well-being.

Coping can take many shapes and forms, it can be taking a walk, listening to your favorite song, painting, talking to friends, yoga, even pinteresting can be a coping skill, if that’s what you are into! It can also be a glass of wine, some great sex, a decadent piece of chocolate cake, but in moderation. In fact, everything previously mentioned should be done in moderation. There is unfortunately such a thing as too much of a good thing.

In order to develop a good coping style, you need good coping skills. Finding what works for you is a tricky process, partially because coping skills are deeply personal – what works for me may not work for you, and what works for you in a certain situation may not work in another. Because of this figuring out your coping skills is an exercise in constant creativity. Step one to coping effectively is to be curious about what helps you cope. Think of it as an opportunity to explore yourself on a compassionate level to truly learn what skills and tools help you when you need it the most.

Part of the purpose of this blog is to create a place where we can talk and explore different coping skills together. I am going to try and do this in the most creative way possible, because guess what writing, trying new things, and trying to find humor in life’s challenges are some of my coping skills. So please, if you are feeling like it is time for a change, let’s jump in together try some new things – talk about what works, and more importantly what doesn’t. Let’s get creative and get to coping!





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